Shareholder Information

ASX Information

Kip McGrath Education Centres Limited is a publicly listed company on the Australian Stock Exchange.

For information on the current share price, please visit the KME listing on the ASX website.

As part of its regulatory requirements and Code of Ethics, Kip McGrath Education Centres Limited makes available Financial Statements and Announcements to the Market, regarding events within the company that may affect share prices. The latest announcements are also available on the ASX website.

Share Registry

Access the following range of online services to assist you in effectively managing your holding and keep informed about the affairs of Kip McGrath Education Centres.
  • Update your details online
  • Obtain information on your holding
  • Download standard forms
  • Receive electronic notification of general meetings and dividend statements
The KMEC's share register is managed by Computershare Investor Services PTY Limited (Computershare), which can be accessed from the Computershare main site. For more information, please view the Computershare Contact Details page.

Corporate Governance

KME’s Board and Management are committed to achieving and demonstrating the highest standards of corporate governance and ensuring compliance with the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations.
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